Forums / Cravings / Dry mouth????

Dry mouth????

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. emancipated
    emancipated avatar
    9 posts
    02 Oct 2019
    10 Oct 2019
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    Serious dry mouth issues going on right now. Drinking copious amounts of water and it is not helping. Afraid of drinking too much water. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal at 25 days into a cold turkey quit? Other than water, has anyone else found anything that helps with the dry mouth?
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    10 Oct 2019 in reply to emancipated
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    I did cold turkey as well and around the 3rd or 4th week I had a real full on craving spell - dry mouth, sweats, restless, etc. 

    It was the last big craving spell by the addict in my head to try to get me back to smoking. I found that in the weeks following my cravings subsided and my outlook and health really started to improve. 
  3. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    10 Oct 2019
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    Hi there emancipated,

    Although I didn't suffer from dry mouth, I did a little research and found out that this is normal. Apparently, if you talk to your pharmacist there might be some products that can help.  

    My daughter was on medication that caused dry mouth and she resolved this by drinking water SLOWLY (little sips throughout the day) as well as sucking on candy (sugarless and citrus flavor) which helped.

    I hope things improve for you soon, emancipated.

    AND 25 DAYS!!! AMAZING!!

  4. stormytootsie2020
    stormytootsie2020 avatar
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    24 Oct 2020
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    Today is my day2 in my quit but used champix succesfully for about 4 weeks but found out that i was having side effects of anger at anything and angrier than ever have been leaving me wondering where did that come from as well as some suicidal thoughts so stopped it right away and smoking cessation person helping me offered me patches so can continue on as cravings were returning so this is second day quit on the patches and noticed yesterday and today mostly my mouth was sooooo dry i could barely talk and speak the words so when read this post and saw mentoned about dry mouth products i remembered that i had bought some of the dry mouth rinse and i got so excited i went and used it right away and my dry mouth is gone. Thanks so much for the suggestion and avise. Am going to go out tomorrow and get a case of water so is always on hand in fridge as well
  5. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Stormytootsie2020,

    Big congratulations on quitting smoking!

    It's great to hear that you have the support that you do in quitting and were able to switch from Champix to the patch when experiencing side effects. Some side effects or withdrawals can be more severe than others so I'm glad that you stopped Champix when you did. 

    You have some good plans to help you get through the dry mouth and to keep your quit going. 

    Wishing you all the best,
5 posts, 0 answered