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Tired of addiction darlchan

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. darlchan
    darlchan avatar
    3 posts
    29 May 2018
    19 Jun 2018
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    Hello.  I have made attempts bwfore

  2. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
    278 posts
    30 Nov 2017
    20 Jun 2018 in reply to darlchan
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    Hello Darlchan,

    You are in a good place for change, you can do this!  Welcome to our community and please feel free to share with us how you quit in the past and your plans to quit.  

    We are here to support and encourage!  Hopefully members can share their experiences with you.  Any questions, we here to answer.  

    Best Wishes,

  3. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
    176 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    20 Jun 2018
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    Hi Darlchan,

    Smoking is both an addiction and is a habit.  It's an addiction because your body craves it and is a habit because your habits stimulate/drive your addiction.  Therefore, your also need to change your habits if you want to quit as well.  First you need to remind yourself every day that you're a non smoker and how you hated smoking and how bad you wanted to quit this nasty life destroying habit. This is why I visit site when ever I can to remind myself that I am a non-smoker and why and how badly I wanted to quit. You also need to cleanse all your habits that would normally stimulate your drinking habits, i.e that morning coffee, smoke buddies, alcohol, getting panicked and tensed, etc.  This does not mean you should not drink coffee or not see your buddies, but rather figuring out and planning how you're going to stay way from these.  I can tell you that I had two good buddies whom smoked as well, and now that I have quit one of my friend has cut down his smoking habit to 1 a day and another quit as well.   Also, try changing your routines, learn new healthy habits, etc. :)
3 posts, 0 answered