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Smoke free for 3 weeks

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. lucky
    lucky avatar
    32 posts
    13 Feb 2019
    27 Feb 2019
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    Congratulations to all who made it through the first week staying smoke free, way to go!!

    I celebrate today my 3 weeks of being smoke free and I feel great!
    It has not been easy, especially the mornings were the hardest, not having a smoke with my coffee. I had to change my morning routine in order not to pick up a cigarette, but I made it!
    I am taking the patch off before I go to bed, because it caused me to have happy, but vivid dreams
    The last few days I was unable to fall asleep at night, which never happened before. 
    Once I fall asleep though, I sleep 8 hours right through, guess my body goes through a change.

  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    27 Feb 2019 in reply to lucky
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    3 weeks!!!! That is a sweet point in the quit!

    I didn't use the patch, but I found that I had trouble getting to sleep for most of the first month. 

    The great thing about 3 weeks is that you have lived through the worst of the withdrawal and are coping. Now you can start focusing on the good things about being a non-smoker. Bet you haven't though much about it that way, I know i didn't. Getting used to all the extra time, money and feeling better overall. No matter what anyone said, it is hard to believe until you start to experience it yourself. 

    At almost 2 month I still have moments where I think about smoking, but you know, my quit is way more valuable to me each and every day that I wouldn't blow it for a smoke. 
  3. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Hi Lucky, good for you on your 3 weeks of not smoking, someone said it takes a lot of courage to quit, and I agree, We are truly a courageous bunch!! and Atp you are right, I believe the worst part is behind you. And when I start having stupid thoughts about just having one smoke, I have to get really stubborn and not allow myself to even go there. Thats where distractions come in handy, or I have a nap if I can. Anything to get past that stinkin, thinkin!! That feeling does pass, and I try to have a plan for when it hits me, which isn't as strong or often, so yes it does get better. Here's to another smoke free day! One day at a time, and Not One Puff Ever  - m
  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    27 Feb 2019
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    Hi lucky,

    WooHoo, 3 smoke free weeks!  Way to go!  I know that mornings must have been really hard for you, because they were for me, too.  But the important thing is that you stayed strong and made it through.  That shows you have guts and determination.  You  should be really proud of yourself.  Keep going, because it only gets better from here.

    Atp, you are rocking your quit.  I can't believe you are coming up on 2 months already.  Good for you!  It's great that you realize how valuable your quit is.  You have worked too hard to get to this point to blow it now.  Keep shutting those cravings down.  This is one war you are going to win!

    And mari_m, I love how you are determined to get past that stinkin thinkin when it sneaks up on you.  What a great way to put it!  So glad that Not One Puff Ever has been so helpful to you.  You are kicking your addiction to the curb!
4 posts, 0 answered