Forums / My journey / COVID made it the best time for me to quit

COVID made it the best time for me to quit

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. go
    go avatar
    1 posts
    26 Mar 2020
    11 May 2020
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    I had been trying to quit for over 10 years. Every morning starting the day off by saying "I'll only smoke "this many" cigarettes today. And then every night go to bed beating myself up with the promise to quit smoking. I was really tired of the same routine every morning and every night. So I knew I was going to be temporarily let go on April 10 and thought that since I have no stresses (I knew I was going to be ok financially for a bit) I decided that I had no more cigarettes, no socializing with smokers (or anybody else for that matter lol) so I quit on April 11th. With the help of this helpline, I would picture the amount of cigarettes I didn't smoke on my counter. It started with 10 not smoked, then every day I would add another 10. This was adding up and visualizing helped me realize what I was doing. I now have 300 cigarettes (visually) on my counter that I haven't smoked... YAY me :) 
    It is now a month smoke free and I can guarantee you that I didn't even think I was going to make pass day one. 
    I remind myself every morning that I'm proud that I don't smoke anymore and then at night I remind myself that I'm proud of my accomplishments and pat myself on the back instead of beating myself up. 
    Just having this website to help keep my aware of the benefits and the knowing how many cigarettes I didn't smoke really helps me keep going. 
    Thank you!! 
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    11 May 2020 in reply to go
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    Hi go,

    Yes yay you!! Congratulations. Your story is so important because there are so many others in the same boat as you, trying to quit for so long, and eventually, you got there.

    Thank you for sharing how our helpline and website are aiding you as a support as well.

    All the best and continued success,

    Jenna Lee
2 posts, 0 answered