504 posts
31 Dec 2018
20 Feb 2019
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sarah, quit coach
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I've got a black lab/bernese mix. 100 lbs of stubbornness that loves the winter.
I quit Jan 01 and first week of my quit I was afraid to take him for a walk as I always had a smoke or 2 while walking him, so the task fell to my wife even though it was freezing out.
After that I realized I had to start facing my triggers and after a couple of walks I was starting to enjoy it. The magic moment was walking up from the ravine and getting to the top and not stopping to catch my breath. That was a 'reward' moment for my quit. I was actually starting to experience the benefits of quitting and not just feeling miserable going through withdrawal.
I'm actually thinking about trying to start going for a jog in the mornings to work off some of the extra weight I gained since I quit, and it would do good for my dog well to join me and work off some of those treats he constantly gets from either my mom or mother-in-law.
Last modified on 20 Feb 2019 16:02 by atp